Open source projects
I am one of the main contributors of these projects:
- 3scale-high-availability: docs for configuring 3scale to be highly-available
- 3scale-ws-api-for-ruby: 3scale Ruby client
- apicast: 3scale API gateway
- apicast-xc: apicast module that provides high volume and lower latency
- apisonator: 3scale backend
- ascetic: optimizing energy efficiency in cloud computing environments
- async-redis: async redis client for Ruby
- clopla: virtual machine placement optimizer
- demiurge: IaaS computing resources manager
- effectivejava: code analyzer. Checks practices suggested in “Effective Java”
- formula1-lap-charts: lap chart visualization of Formula 1 races
- limitador: rate-limiter written in Rust
- net-kourier: Knative Ingress implementation
- pandora: agent-based modelling framework for large-scale simulations
- pisoni: client for the apisonator internal API to push model data
- xcflushd: daemon to flush data cached by apicast-xc
I have submitted patches to these projects (includes small contributions):
- 3scale-time-range: tool for working with time ranges
- 3scale-wildcard-router: wildcard router for 3scale
- amazon-kinesis-client-ruby: Ruby client for Kinesis
- falcon: async web server written in Ruby
- knative-serving: Kubernetes-based, scale-to-zero, request-driven compute
- lua-resty-execvp: Lua FFI wrapper for the execvp syscall
- jaeger-client-ruby: Ruby client for Jaeger
- protocol-redis: Ruby implementation of the Redis protocol
- rust-prometheus: Rust client for Prometheus
- test-apicast: apicast test framework
- fork of ljsonschema: patched to work on OpenResty
- fork of twemproxy: added command to map keys to servers
- fork of puma: patch that fixes a performance issue
Toy projects
These are experiments, proofs of concept, projects to learn new technologies, etc:
- bcn-household-income-map: map of Barcelona with household income info
- clj-stress-ng: Clojure wrapper for stress-ng
- ergast-client-nodejs: NodeJS client for the Ergast API
- fluappy: Lua clone of the popular Flappy Bird game
- formulita-backend: backend of the Formulita Android app
- gebers: Game Boy emulator written in Rust
- kiper: Open Policy Agent build with rate-limiting and 3scale integration
- limitador-operator: Kubernetes operator for Limitador
- project-euler: my solutions to Project Euler problems
- proxy-wasm-rate-limit: rate-limiting WASM plugin for Envoy
- threescalers: Rust 3scale client
- twimple: simple Twitter client